You may not be aware of this but if you are browsing the web, running IoT devices in your business or at your home, you are being protected by a 30-year-old security infrastructure. In this post, we will uncover the history of the internet PKI that holds most of the internet together today and highlight some of the most obvious threats and known flaws. This article is the first in a series investigating the current state of PKI and the events leading up to the first Diode concept.
PKI the system that protects web traffic since 30 years is broken for IoT. The governance structures have failed, broken implementations and misuse are spread far beyond repair and fraud is done through it's weaknesses every day. Diode is a new security network designed for smart devices. Diode is the first network to implement unforgable proof-of-time and network-device authentication based on blockchain technology. Man-In-The middle attacks become impossible and dependencies on third parties to entrust security are removed. The network has higher security than PKI with much lower overhead and maintenance needs. Truly autonomous. Diode allows developers to build new IoT applications on top of it's network or migrate existing workloads for the higher security and lower operating costs.